With summer coming upon us it is time to do some Spring Cleaning. Farmers will need to formulate a check list to make sure they cover all the proper inspections and have everything in place for the hot summer months. One of the main areas of concern is your cool cell pads. Cool cell pads sit all winter exposed to the weather, which causes them to build up algae and sediment.You will want to make sure that they are properly cleaned and then maintained throughout the summer, since dirty cool cells are the biggest restriction to your air flow. If your pads are not in good working condition then your wind speed will not be fast enough to pull the air through the length of the house. Cool pads need to absorb water as well as have the water evaporate to cool the air down. If you have built up sediment on them, then they will not be able to absorb the correct amount of water causing your air not to be cooled properly. Not only will this affect the air quality but it can also cause issues with your floors. If the air is to heavy or the airspeed is not fast enough, then instead of the air flowing throughout the house, it will fall before it makes it to the rear. Cake will begin to develop in the front of your houses, plus you will see a more drastic change in temperature between the front of your houses and the rear. The cool air will fall in the front of the house, this will only leave warm air to be pulled out the rear.
When you go to clean your cool cells, you will want to spray or foam the outside first with PronTech. PronTech is an algaecide which will kill any built up algae as well as help to break loose any sediment. Next you will want to do a thorough cleaning, with CleanTech. CleanTech is a non-ionic cleaner. You will add this to your tank and do a flush cycle. The combination of PronTech and CleanTech will work together as a one two punch in your preparation to get your cool cells in working condition for summer ventilation. Throughout the summer you will then want to maintain your systems by adding PronTech to your systems once a week to help prevent any algae growth. You will also want to flush CleanTech through your system once a month to make sure no sediment builds up. If you have water that is high in calcium, iron, or other minerals then you will want to use CleanTech more frequently.
Good luck with your preparations and if you have any questions please let us here at UPI know how we can help you.