Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Washing Fertilized Eggs

Washing fertilized eggs has been a no no within the poultry industry for years. Common thought within the industry was that exposing an egg to water could contaminate the egg. Not only was this a concern so was the thought that if you used the wrong product to wash the egg you could clog the pores of the egg. Eggs need to breath and preventing this could cause damage to the embryo. With PronTech you no longer have to fear either of these scenarios. PronTech cleans and sanitizes the egg shell while not leaving behind any build up or thick film. Clean eggs mean a clean hatchery. That means you have less egg explosions in your setters, you have less disease outbreaks due to contamination from the farm, and more of your fertile eggs get to be placed in your setters. Using PronTech to treat your eggs is a your smart and safe choice.

New Disease Detection Device Launched In Singapore

Ecuador Partially Lifts Ban

Monday, July 20, 2015

Hot Weather Equals Cool Cells Running

With the hot weather firmly upon us, make sure your cool cells are clean and ready to go. When choosing a product to clean your cool cells there is only one choice, PronTech. PronTech both cleans your cool cell pads and kills the algae that grows on them.

Bird Flu Recovery

Monday, July 13, 2015

Bird Flu A Global Issue

Poultry Industry Getting National Attention

Possible Future Bird Flu Outbreak

This fall is going to have everyone within the Poultry industry on edge. The possible spread of the highly pathogenic virus has already done damage to industry this year. With wild water fowl migrating south everyone will be watching to see if the US has another outbreak. The USDA is doing everything they possibly can to prepare. Below is a link discussing how the USDA is preparing for this fall and the threat of a future outbreak.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Bio-Security: Bird Flu

With this fall's wild bird migration south the scare of the Bird Flu returning is very likely. That means you need to do your best to protect yourself with proper bio-security measures.

Bird Flu Discussion